River Haven Lodge says farewell to Michael Keaton...
After an amazing holiday, lots of laughs, heaps of wine and way too much fun, we must say goodbye to Michael Keaton..and his lovely Marni. Read more about 'River Haven Lodge says farewell to Michael Keaton...'...
Michael Keaton lands over 14 brown trout in one day with Head Guide of River Haven Lodge, Scotty!
It's been nearly 10 years since we last saw Mike in New Zealand, but he didn't loose his fishing finesse! After an amazing holiday with his lovely Marni at his... Read more about 'Michael Keaton lands over 14 brown trout in one day with Head Guide of River Haven Lodge, Scotty!'...
Michael Keaton at River Haven Lodge fly fishing with his ole mate, Scott The Trout Murray!
Michael Keaton, Actor extrordinaire, currently at River Haven Lodge, NZ. Shown here with one of his first browns, enjoying every minute of it! His lovely Marni cheering him on.. Read more about 'Michael Keaton at River Haven Lodge fly fishing with his ole mate, Scott The Trout Murray!'...
Didi Toaspern of USA has the time of her life fishing at River Haven Lodge!
Didi Toaspern with just one of her many fish she landed in just four days at River Haven Lodge! Read more about 'Didi Toaspern of USA has the time of her life fishing at River Haven Lodge!'...
Good times in River Haven Lodge Bar...
Good times, great stories and brilliant friends, that's what our lodge is about! Catching fish, yea, that too! Read more about 'Good times in River Haven Lodge Bar...'...